Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Child Logic

I didn't get to enjoy my daughter when she was three years old. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I had a one year old also, so life was very busy. I don't remember if she did cute, quirky things. She probably did. She probably also had the unreasonable toddler logic which all parents experience at some point or another. 

Now that my youngest is three, I've had the time and energy to pay attention to him and notice all of his quirks and complications, both cute and annoying. I do enjoy the time when I get to take him around with me by himself and although it's not intentional one on one time, I do enjoy it differently than taking both my children out. 

Last week, we had finished our homework time in the car and big sister was in school. He and I went to get gas for the car and then I asked him where he wanted to go. His choices were Lowe's or Walmart. He giggled from the backseat and mumbled something, but he didn't really give me an answer. So I kept driving. Both locations were pretty close to each other. When I was nearing a fork in the directions, I asked him again where he wanted to go. Again, he giggled and mumbled something I couldn't make out. I told him I would decide and made the executive decision to go to Lowe's.

Now, it's January. It's not planting season. We didn't need anything from Lowe's. But I chose Lowe's anyway because it had been a while since I'd gone. Also, their restrooms are cleaner and the stalls are larger. One of the things we do while waiting to pick up his sister is find a place for both of us to use the restroom. Small perk and hassle of being potty trained, but I'll take it. So Lowe's it was. 

I pulled into the parking lot, parked the car, and opened his door. Immediately, I saw he was about to lose it:frowny mouth, sad eyes, with that I'm-about-to-burst-out-crying face. I asked him what was wrong, and asked him if he didn't want to go to Lowe's. He shook his head. I sighed and told him we'd go to Walmart. It was not worth a fit over literally nothing. So I got back in the car, left the Lowe's parking lot, and was on my way to Walmart. 

About halfway there, a couple minutes after we'd left Lowe's, I saw he had calmed down and was in a better mood. I asked him, "Why didn't you want to go to Lowe's?"

You know what he told me? He didn't want to see the spooky. The. Spooky. That wasn't even at Lowe's anymore because it was January and Halloween was long over. 

The spooky at Lowe's when they actually had it set up.
One of my children loves the spooky and the other doesn't care for it. 

I was relieved he had given me a reason why he didn't want to go to Lowe's, but I was also internally face-palming at his logic. After we'd parked at Walmart, I told him that the spooky was no longer at Lowe's and they'd put it away. I asked him if we could go to Lowe's next time. He nodded his head. Then we headed into Walmart for our normal routine of hitting up the potty and the clearance aisle together. 

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