Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Starred Forever

I was cleaning out my emails and un-starring emails which were no longer important. As I unchecked the star for a bunch of emails associated with the music association from previous years, parent emails which weren't relevant anymore, and other no-longer-important emails, I came to the very end of my starred emails. The last email was dated April 24, 2017. 

I refused to un-star this email. To be honest, this email is not relevant to me anymore, but I wanted to keep it starred because this email marked the end of a three-year span of my life where her presence was in it. She was the epitome of elegance and poise wrapped around graciousness and compassion. She dressed up for the office everyday with slacks and some kind of blouse or blazer. She wore heels and walked around the office in them like she was 30 years younger than her real age. She had the kindest voice and handwriting which was both difficult to read but also impressively beautiful. She didn't eat avocado. I don't remember her ever saying a harsh word about anyone.

I still remember the day I found out she passed. It was about 20 minutes before my first lesson in the afternoon. I stood in my bedroom staring out the window. I couldn't stop crying, and yet, I knew I had to because I was about to face a 9-year old in my home studio and I wasn't about to explain why I couldn't keep it together. She didn't have a fancy service or anything. She wouldn't have wanted one.

There was a time after where I'd see her in every major chord I taught in theory. You see, the major chord abbreviation my students are asked to write as an answer for their tests is MAJ. Those were her initials. I could never see the letters MAJ without thinking about her. As the years passed, MAJ started to revert back to just meaning a major chord, and the memories of her once again were tucked away. But I keep this email starred because it's a reminder of a beautiful part of my life with her in it everyday I went to work. 

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