Saturday, December 30, 2023

2023 in Books

This year, for the books I read, I turned them into a giant collage. There's not that many so it won't take you hours to look at all the titles, but I figured it would be a fun visual this year to have my book conglomerate. I'm trying to incorporate some more elementary books, because in a few years, those are the types of books my daughter is going to be reading. I know, I can't believe it either. I can't even believe she can already read words and sentences.

I enjoyed a good number of these. Some were just nice "interlude" books to get to the next one. Most had deep thought, life analysis, and some good life truths. 

I already have a nice long list of holds I'm waiting for from the library to kickstart next year. Let's hope I can make it through them once they get to me. Please let me know if you read anything fantastic from this year. I'd love to put it on my list next year! 

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