Friday, September 15, 2023

Writing New Memories

My daughter is beginning to learn how to read and this week, she started putting together her own sentences. Cue the bad spelling, nonexistent spacing skills, and large letters! Honestly though, I love it. It's so much fun to watch her learn and grow in this way. And I can take....a decent amount of credit. But not all of it. 😁

I posted this picture with her first "sentence" on Facebook and asked others what they could interpret it, and reading all the responses was very entertaining. 

So this is what it is actually supposed to say: The phone [fon] is not working [wrcceen]? Yes.

Translation: The phone doesn't work and it's confirmed. Apparently this was a conversation she and her brother were having regarding an actual phone in our house. 

This is the phone they were referring to, and they are correct. It does not work. It has not worked in over 10 years. Instead, it's been a wonderful "toy" for my kids.

I purchased this phone 12 years ago from eBay. It was the first phone I bought with my own money. I was going through a tough life transition and felt the need for some change. So upgrading phones was something I'd thought to do. New phones without contracts in the models I wanted were $300+ at the time and I was an unemployed college student. So I purchased this used phone that seemed decent from the description for around $200 if I remember correctly. It arrived, I started using it, and everything seemed great. 

The phone lasted me all of about 7 months. One day, it randomly shut off and wouldn't turn on again. I tried restarting it and all the tricks I knew how or could get as advice from others. Nothing worked. My brother ended up giving me one of his old phones and that's what I used for the year and a half after. After that, I told myself I'd never buy a used phone again. And that's stayed true for the last 10 years. I was lucky enough to be able to use other people's used phones for free. 😆 Until last year.

Last year, I purchased my second phone with my own money. The one I was using suffered a fatal fall and the screen shattered and was completely unusable. Before that, I'd kept using phones with cracked screens. I even paid to repair a cracked screen, and the casualty last fall wasn't worth another repair.

For all these years I'd resented this phone because it was one of the first "large" purchases I'd made for myself as an emerging adult. And it turned out to be such a huge flop. Now, I get to add a happier memory to it because it will forever be the topic of my daughter's first written sentence. 😊

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