Thursday, March 17, 2022

Very Interesting

So this weekend we went on a whim and we decided we wanted to make some breakfast sausage because we had leftover biscuits from a previous meal. However, I didn't have any actual breakfast sausage. I had regular ground pork, and that was it. I decided, why not? I'm a pretty good cook. Let me just add some spices and make my own breakfast sausage. 

So I took a portion of the pork and added lots of seasonings, salt, pepper, and the whole nine yards to it. 
I cooked it out in my skillet and then saved it for another meal. That night, my husband was thinking to himself, “Ohh, we have some breakfast sausage! Let me make myself a little breakfast sandwich. That sounds delicious right now.” 
It looks like normal sausage. Looks can be deceiving...

So he heated up the sausage patty, cooked an egg, and got a biscuit to make himself a nice breakfast sandwich. After he put it together and ate it, I asked him how it was. He said, “It was interesting.” And I just looked at him and kind of laughed. 

He asked me if I had tried some and I said no. So then I asked him if it was bad. He responded once again with, "It was interesting." 

Then, I was curious. I still hadn't tried it myself, so I decided to break off a small piece, heated it up, and tried it plain. Boy, was it interesting.

It was so interesting that after chewing it in my mouth and tasting it, I laughed. Yes, that's right. I laughed! Strange reaction, right? Indeed. 

I laughed because as I ate it, the initial flavor was actually okay. It didn't taste like the store bought breakfast sausage, but it was okay. And then as I continued to chew and taste in my mouth, the flavor started to change. That's when it became interesting, weird, and strange, all at the same time. 

Neither of the flavors individually would have been considered bad, but when all 2-3 flavors were mixed in together in this piece of sausage, it was weird. It's like those flavor changing candies that slowly melt into different flavors as you suck on them in your mouth, except this was multiple flavors that did not exactly complement each other. So it was just a weird wacky whirlwind of flavor changing.


A few days later, I heated up a second patty (I made 3) and ate it with some ketchup in a biscuit as my lunch. My husband vowed not to eat my "interesting" sausage anymore so the last two were mine. As I ate it in my biscuit sandwich, I really thought it tasted fine. Not like the store-bought and not easily identifiable as "breakfast sausage" but it tasted fine. So either my taste buds adjusted or it really wasn't as bad as my husband and I originally made it out to be.

I guess we'll never know. I bought two store-bought breakfast sausage rolls today for future use. I will refrain from making my own spice mixture for breakfast sausage in the future. 

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