Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Wordle in Review

(Disclaimer: these are all past Wordles and do not include today's word)

So I got sucked into Wordle a few days after the New Year just like everyone else. It's actually been a really nice daily activity. It's also been a great bonding topic between one of my college friends. We are celebrating about 13 years of friendship this year :) I remember meeting her at lunch one day in the dining hall after a large lecture class. I liked her. She was like an older, smarter version of myself. She gave me rides to church during college and was my church buddy because very few people wanted to wake up for the 9 o'clock service. She let me cook at her apartment for a large event once when I volunteered to handle refreshments. She attended our wedding, and now she lives about 10 minutes from my in-laws. Wordle is another nice way to add to our friendship. 

I take a screenshot everyday, but I wanted to explore some more thought processes with the rest of the world. I know people post their scores and people are so impressed when someone can guess the word in two or three guesses. But let's be real, sometimes it's just luck. What's the actual thought process behind guessing? Let's take a look at some of mine....

This was the one day I was unable to guess the word. I was very frustrated. This was also the day after the word "tacit" so I was thinking along more posh lines. Rouse was a great word. It should have been the Wordle. Much more sophisticated than "other." "Error" was a good guess after rouse. "Oiler" put the three letters I already had in the correct spot. "Odder" was probably a bad guess, but hey, those double letters really trip me up. "Otter" was another guess at the double letters. Unfortunately, it was my last guess, so I did not solve the Wordle that day. I should have tried a word with more variation in letters like "other"....but hindsight.

I got pretty lucky on this one. Caulk just came to mind first when I saw it started with a "c" and ended with a "k" and had an "a" in the middle. I blame my renovation and homeowner experience. 

Look at how many times I had to guess "-der" before I got it right...

This was a fun Wordle. I guessed three words that were all moving forward in guessing technique AND they have a theme! I bet you've never guessed a Wordle and had all the words match together in a theme. 😂

After I'd guessed "prove" I really thought of the word "proxy" first, but I didn't guess it because I didn't think they would pick it as the word. Turns out I was actually right and wrong....since I decided to guess prowl first. I don't know why my mind went to "proxy" but it did. Should have trusted my gut. Just for that day. 

This is the only Wordle I've solved in two guesses. I don't know how I got so lucky. 🤷🏻‍♀️

So far I can't say I've learned any new words from Wordle. They're not all common but I've heard of them all at least once in my life. I've come across a few new words just by guessing combinations when I reach my wits end, but that doesn't happen very often. Although lately I've been getting frustrated a lot more....haha. But in all honesty, I really enjoy Wordle if not solely for the purpose of texting my friend. 😊

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