Friday, February 25, 2022

An Encounter with God

I had a God moment Tuesday morning. I went to drop off food for a friend that morning because Wednesday and Thursday were going to be snowy and cold. So I was going to make sure she had enough food to make it through a few days without having to go anywhere. I texted her and told her my ETA. 

When I arrived, I got out of the car and knocked on the door. I didn't let my kids out of the car yet because I wasn't sure she had time for us to hang out for a while. My friend came to the door shortly after and I asked her if she had time for a visit. She said sure, so I unloaded the kids and went inside.

Right after we went inside, her son was on the phone scheduling a consultation. The only available time was at 11 am that very same day. It was already past 10 am. So he was basically saying yes, we have to meet ASAP at this time, and his mother was telling him she wasn't ready because she hadn't taken her shower and changed her clothes, put on makeup, etc. Well, I offered to leave the kids with her to babysit and I'd go with her son to the consultation. My friend said sure, she'd watch the kids, and then I'd go with him. 

I was all set to leave my kids and go on the consultation until I remembered that I’d rescheduled my lessons for the day. With the upcoming bad weather and PISD’s school holiday on Tuesday, I had rescheduled kids to come as early as 2 pm and I was teaching nonstop until 7. So, then, I told my friend I probably couldn’t go to the consultation because I wasn’t sure how long it’d last and I wasn’t sure I’d make it home in time. I was running numbers through my head and I landed on 2:30 pm. That wasn't going to work because I needed to be home before 2 pm. She said okay and went to go get ready. I stayed with my kids for a while as they roamed around the living room. 

As I was sitting around with them, the thought occurred to me that I wasn’t sure I had locked my car. I figured, oh well, it wasn’t that big of a deal, there was nothing valuable in the car to steal anyway. Finally around 10:30, my friend was ready and I bundled up the kids to load them back up in the car to go home. Sure enough, the car was unlocked as I’d thought. Well, it just made my job easier to load them in because I didn’t have to dig for keys to unlock the car before opening the door. I loaded my kids up, got them strapped into their car seats, and then opened the driver’s side to get in the car myself.

And then I saw my keys. In the ignition of the car. The entire time we were at my friend's house. I had turned off the car engine before bringing the kids inside so the car wasn’t running the entire time, but my keys were definitely in the car. I said a quick thank you to God that nobody had stolen my car and started driving.

As I was driving, I kept thinking to myself and doing some math. I had miscalculated my time. The consultation was at 11 am. I took a guess it would be 90 minutes so that would bring the time to 12:30 pm. 30 minutes to get back to my friend's, 1:00 pm. And then 30 minutes for me to drive home. 1:30 pm. So technically, I could have still made it home in time to teach. Ideal? Most definitely not, especially not for teaching 5 hours straight and not eating a proper lunch. 

But then I realized that had I actually went to the consultation, my keys would have been sitting inside my car for three and a half hours, I think someone definitely would have stolen it. So by God’s grace I miscalculated my time, left my friend's early, and found my car still intact.

I think sometimes, this is how God works. He knows I have a lot going on right now, and He knows I'm trying to take care of other people out there who need it. I think He's also reminding me, Hey, you need to take care of your own stuff, too, and if you can't think straight because you have so much going on, I'm going to help you, even if it means making you do your math wrong.

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