Monday, December 20, 2021

The Art of Retail

Since Covid hit nearly two years ago, our leisure shopping has decreased significantly. Only this fall did we start actually going out to "browse" with the kids, and even then, the trips were no more than 20-30 minutes inside the store tops. Thinking about the way germs spread and being in an enclosed space indoors has really affected some of the things we used to do. Right before the pandemic hit, my husband took some super cute pictures of our daughter sitting in chairs and playing with toys at Walmart and Target during my last semester of pregnancy. I would teach in the evenings and he would take her out during my lessons so I could teach in peace and she wasn't asked to be quiet.

In the winter of 2021, my daughter and I finally ventured out shopping again. I had taken her with me to run an errand and deliver some things. After our delivery, I took her to Home Goods. This was one of our favorite stores to peruse before we had kids and even before the pandemic. Almost exactly three years ago, we had taken her to the same store. She wasn't walking at the time and we pushed her around the store in her stroller. There was a giant stuffed penguin at the store for sale that day and we took a picture with it. 

Three years ago. One of us looks very different. Two of us look the same 😉.

She and I went into the store and briefly passed their Christmas aisle. I took her to browse the wall of kitchen tools, and then we made it to the toy section. She and I looked at toys for a while. Then I told her I wanted to look at my stuff and we browsed the beauty aisle. She told me she wanted to go back and look at toys. I obliged and we walked back to the toy section. She wandered around some more and we made it to one corner.

I found a Baby Shark mini tablet and pressed the music button. It started playing Baby Shark. Just days before, I had played around with the piano app on my iPad while she was next to me and came across the tune for Baby Shark. I played through it once and moved onto other things. For days after I'd hear her humming the melody or making up her own words to the tune. This girl has an ear! She hears something once and I'll hear it from her days later with her own rendition. I can't wait to start teaching her piano, but boy am I not looking forward to the sass she might give me when she realizes it's more than just fun and games. 

She and I stood there for a very long time listening to the Baby Shark song. She'd press the button, look at some other toy, and press it again after it stopped despite looking at other toys. Then, she asked me if I was going to buy it and take it home. I didn't give her a direct answer first, but after messaging Daddy and doing some googling online, we came to the conclusion that I was not going to buy it. I told her she could keep playing with it in the store but we couldn't take it home with us. So she kept pressing the buttons and listening to the music. 

The Baby Shark toy she played with for a long time.

Then, I told her to put it back because Mommy wanted to look at one more thing before leaving. Well, we ended up looking at like 10 more things. I wandered a puzzle section. We made it back to the kitchen housewares section and looked at sheet pans and kitchen shears. Finally, we were ready to checkout with our two items (and no toys!). She looked at a few more things while we waited to checkout but put everything back when I asked her to.

Normally I don't give a play by play of my shopping trip, but this is monumental. I haven't shopped like this in almost two years. When Covid first hit and I went inside a grocery store to shop in-person after a month of going nowhere, I started to make my grocery lists twice: once to list the items and a second time to reorder them in order of how the store was arranged. Leisurely shopping? What is it?!

We spent an hour and a half inside the store browsing and walking around. I had my daughter with me, I didn't buy any toys, and nobody had a meltdown. It was amazing. 

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