Wednesday, March 18, 2020


“So, can you see yourself being quarantined here?” That's the joke for what realtors ask you when looking at houses now.

We haven’t officially owned our house for five years, but at the time we bought it, the answer would have been a firm “No.” I had actually completely forgotten the depths of how much I disliked the aesthetics of our house until I came across some photos while cleaning my phone. 

Cue rabbit trail. 

As another child is forever entering our lives, I need to massively figure out a way to clean our my phone. My phone is always running out of storage and reminds me almost daily.  I’d always go to my storage usage and check it, and I’d be so confused as to why the memory in my Messages took up more space than the memory in my Photos. I would delete text threads that weren’t important and clear as many photos and videos off of chat threads I could without killing my love of sentimentality. 

Well, today I found the culprit; all along, it has been my text message thread with my husband. Somehow amidst all the cleaning, I never thought to look at the attachments and photos in our chat. It was over 900 photos and dated all the way back to photos of engagement rings we had looked at before getting engaged! Talk about outdated...

So now, in my free time, I will hopefully be clearing out enough space so I can successfully take photos of our newest addition without being told my phone has insufficient storage space to take another photo. 

End rabbit trail. 

While cleaning out these outdated photos from the last six years, I came across some renovation photos of our house, what our kitchen used to look like, the color of tile that used to be in our master bathroom, etc. And to be completely honest, I had really forgotten most of it. We haven’t done any major interior changes in the last two years because any task is much harder to complete when you have a tiny human running around at will who may or may not listen to your instructions. But there’s not really much left to do on the inside. 

During this time of being an extreme introvert, which I really don’t mind, I’d have to say I have not minded being home all day. I don’t get tired of looking at the walls.  The paint colors don’t bother me. And I have no problems with our countertops or shower tile or bathtubs. Sure, it’s not the top of the line luxury, but I’m ok with that, because it feels like home. Even with the blocks scattered all over the floor, the books pulled off the shelves, and random stuffed animals lying around the couch. 

Yup, that’s home.