Friday, February 14, 2020

Valentine's Day 2020

We don’t do big celebrations for Valentine’s Day normally. In the past, we’ve gotten BOGO Cane’s for dinner, a gift here and there, but mostly just spending time together. We’re not really the couple who “has to get the other something for Valentine’s Day.”

I went grocery shopping this morning with my daughter. As we were checking out in the self check out section, I got some glances at the customer behind me as I loaded our bags one by one from the bagging area to my cart. He had scanned a card, a small box of chocolates, and a small plush toy. They were all sweet gestures and I’m sure his significant other is going to find them adorably cute and be happy to receive them, but that’s not what our Valentine’s look like for the most part.

After five and a half years of marriage and one (nearly two) kids, there’s hardly time to make a dedicated trip to the store to buy a card, chocolate, and a plush. Most of the time, I can’t even leave the store with everything I need anymore unless I write down a full list AND remember to bring it with me. (Yes, you won’t believe how many times I make the list and then fail to bring the list.) Also, between the two of us, we have a giant stash of plush already and really don’t need or have the space for more. Here's a few glimpses of what our plushies do on a day-to-day basis.

They make great sound proofing for door crevices because all parents know how desperate we are for our children to sleep so we can get stuff done, rest, or simply have some coveted silence in the house for a bit. This was my attempt at practicing piano without waking her. 
Back in the day when our little munchkin fit right in with the plushies. 
So instead of focusing on gifts, chocolate, flowers, or stuffed animals, my favorite part of holidays is the card. I don’t remember when it started, but I began making holiday/special occasion cards for my husband by hand probably 2-3 years ago. I’ve always had a creative crafting side beneath the rest of my academia focus, and certain people make fun of me for my (liberal [arts) and crafts] degree. Of course there have been exceptions when I’ve gone out and bought cards because it was the easier and faster choice, but I actually have a lot of fun making them as well. It has gotten exponentially harder to find time to sit and make a card that involves paper, cutting, and gluing without a toddler wanting to touch and be a part of everything.

This Valentine’s Day was the first time where our card making actually coincided with each other. I was putting mine together while hubby put our daughter to sleep. I didn’t hear him leave her room so the next thing I know he’s walking through my studio and I’m frantically hoping he hasn’t seen the design of the card. We both had a good laugh about it and then discussed our plan to continue working in two separate rooms of the house while sharing access to the craft closet to gather supplies as needed. We both finished our cards and then went to sleep for the night.

I’ve made some extravagant cards for him in the past which I am very proud of, but I have to say, he has outdone me this holiday.

I'm glad jokes from our dating days have weaved their way into our marriage.
Dinner was not romantic this year. We ordered takeout pizza (which was delicious!) and ate it listening to our needy toddler and appeasing her needs (translated to English for ease of understanding here)

Pizza! Eat pizza!

No pizza. Don't want pizza.

Bread! *eats a few bites of a bagel*

Don't want bread. Give mommy bread. 

Cheese! Cheese! 

*we give her a cheese stick* *she starts crying*

No cheese. Don't want cheese. *crying profusely until we take the cheese away*

*Crawls up the counter stools to sit between us and crawls into my lap*

Pizza! Pizza! *grabs at plates and knives and cups on the counter* *eats a few bites of pizza*

End dinner. I don't think there was much exchange of any other dialogue.

Now that she's asleep, perhaps hubby and I can get some much needed alone time and sit in bed, eat some chips and salsa/guac, and watch some TV.

That sounds like a lovely way to end this evening. :)