Friday, December 14, 2018

Mamalogues: Horror Stories: Mommy Edition

I woke up feeling good about this Friday. I didn't have to teach, I didn't have any timely engagements to be at, and it was cold and gray outside. The baby woke up not too early which gave me some time to get my act together before getting her. She did a great job eating her first bottle in the morning and was happily playing with her toys. I was getting my breakfast ready and poured the hot water into my instant oatmeal and was waiting for it to absorb.

And then I smelled the poo.

I picked her up and migrated to her room with the changing table. I unbottoned her jumpsuit and onesie and opened the diaper to assess the damage. There was definitely poo. I lifted up her bottom to see how far up it went. It kept going....up the diaper...and up....and much poo.

I wiped her butt off and removed the dirty diaper from underneath her and began planning the removal of her soiled clothes in my head. During this planning process, she wanted to flip over and sit up and crawl away and grab at everything around her on the changing table. The attempt at keeping her jumpsuit clean failed. The attempt at cleanly removing her soiled onesie failed. I took a wipe and wiped her down and then spontaneously decided it was time for a bath. (We don't usually do baths after blowouts because if she stays still, I wipe her back and then redress her and we're all good.) Well, not this time.

We took a quick bath and I redressed her and plopped her back into her crib while I rinsed out the onesie. At this point in my head, I was thankful the first batch of laundry I started was ours so there was still time for me to wash this onesie in her laundry. I rinsed it and left it in the sink to soak a bit.

Now, after what felt like an hour detour in my day, (it was actually about 30 minutes), I returned to eat my cold oatmeal that had well-absorbed all the liquid. Not appetizing anymore for someone who dislikes oatmeal to begin with, but hey, any time a mom gets to eat is a good thing. After wolfing down my oatmeal, I realize she's being quite fussy still and won't play by herself - which she is usually very good at - a cue that she's hungry. Well, obviously,  after clearing the pipes, who wouldn't be hungry again?

So I fed her solids, the ones she likes, so I wouldn't have to play tricks on her to eat. Once I heard our load of laundry finish in the washing machine, I transferred it to the dryer and started her load of laundry in the wash. I was so excited to have two batches of laundry going, a fed baby, and everything ready to go out to buy groceries.

And then it started raining. Not pouring sheets of rain, but enough to make myself wonder why in the world I thought it was a good morning to go grocery shopping in the cold and now rain. We made it to the grocery store, and of course all the shopping carts were wet having been towed in from the previous day and this morning. Hooray for shopping cart covers to double as towels. I grocery shopped and realized that the baby had again leveled up. Every time I stopped the cart to grab something, I'd see her lean out as far as she could and grab whatever she was next to. Note to self - park the cart obnoxiously in the middle of every aisle so the baby can't reach anything. People will understand that you're actually thinking one step ahead instead of one step behind and preventing any grocery avalanches from occurring, right? Totally.

We made it home from the grocery store and she fell asleep about 5 minutes from home. I pulled into the garage and saw her open her eyes! I watched her through the mirror and saw that she was just dozing and was closing them again. We both sat in the car for 5 minutes, mostly for me just to make sure she was going back to sleep and wouldn't wake up as I unloaded the car first before unloading her. Once I got her in and settled on the floor, I again, saw her open her eyes! This usually doesn't happen, not to mention twice! I walked away and hid in the next room to wait and see if she'd resettle herself back to sleep. When I saw that she wasn't moving her little hands or making noises, I reappeared and continued finishing up things around the house. She fell back asleep again, thank goodness.

As I quietly unloaded our laundry from the dryer and transferred her laundry from the washing machine to dry, I thought in my head if there was anything that needed to be hung dry. I checked the jumpsuit for poop stains and didn't see any so deemed it dryable. We air dry anything that was stained before washing so the stains don't set if they didn't come out 100% and we can either keep the clothes for keepsakes or maintain as pristine condition as possible for resale.

Then it hit me. I didn't wash the onesie that she pooped all over.

I walked over to the bathroom, and sure enough, the onesie was still there soaking away. I had failed to add it to the wash before loading us all up for the grocery store.

It'll get washed next week.

On the bright side, the baby is still asleep, I've put all the groceries away, and it's time for me to wolf down some lunch before she wakes up.

Yes, I still love her. :)

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