Friday, February 2, 2018

Superbowls and Scions

I'm usually not one to care about sports in general, but when someone who graduated with you in your high school class is playing in the NFL in the Superbowl, it makes you care just a little bit more.

We all knew he was destined for greatness. I went to grade school with him through 4th grade. Not only was he smart, but he was athletic. (I was only smart. I think. Ha.) We were in the same homeroom in 3rd grade and I remember wanting to work with him for one group assignment we were completing in class because I knew he was a good student. Our teacher picked four or five of us to stand up, including both of us, and then announced we would be the group leaders. Darn. Bubble burst for my poor nine-year-old self.

His family moved to a different neighborhood after 4th grade so he was transferring schools. At our last 4th grade Top Banana meeting where they pick outstanding students for each week, each teacher named an overall Top Banana for the whole year. If I remember correctly, his homeroom teacher picked him and my homeroom teacher picked me. I could be just making this up, but I'm pretty sure that's what happened. I still have my Top Banana certificates as well as my little yellow banana I decorated during the first week of school with a sticker for each week I was picked throughout the school year. Seriously, this little piece of laminated yellow paper is nearing 13 years old. It's at my dad's house or else I'd have a picture to show you.

My parents also bought a house at the end of my 4th grade year in a different neighborhood. We moved that summer, so I also transferred schools within the district. Unlike him, there was no announcement. I silently disappeared as 5th grade began. For the next four years, we went to different schools, made new friends, and life continued.

In 9th grade, my friend was in his biology class. I don't remember how I found out we were attending the same high school, but somehow, she and I got the guts to approach him one morning in the cafeteria before they dismissed us to our lockers and she "reintroduced" us to each other after a good four years. We talked to each other for a few minutes and then parted ways again. I distinctly remember feeling the awkward glances of his friends around us who were probably thinking, Who is this strange Asian girl and why is she talking to him? That was the last time we spoke to each other.

In 10th grade, we were in the same Spanish class and sat relatively close to each other because of alphabetical seating. He had lots of friends in that class; however, I did not. That was a hard class for me to get through simply because the one person I was somewhat acquainted with in the class sat on the other side of the room. Needless to say, it was a very laborious class for me to enjoy the entire year.

We graduated senior year from the same high school and went off to college. I remember sitting inside Players (which no longer exists!) watching the UT vs Nebraska game to determine which team would make it to the BCS National Championships. Of course I wanted my alma mater to make it to the championships, but it was bittersweet to watch someone I went to school with for many years play on the opposing team.

He's playing in his first Superbowl game on Sunday afternoon at the age of 27. His family was interviewed for the local news channel, and he has his own Wikipedia page, most likely not self-written. When I saw the Patriots were playing in the Superbowl this year, the thought occurred to me that he and I are the same age. He's playing in the Superbowl. And I'm having a baby. And you know why both are equally important and wonderful?

We're living out our dreams.

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